Star Ambassador Program


UFFC-S has established the “IEEE UFFC Star Ambassador Lectureship Award”, similar to our Distinguished Lecturer award, but this distinction is intended to be for more local travel and for early career speakers. Specifically, we imagine young professionals (within 15 years of their degree) delivering technical talks in their geographic region, highlighting their research while promoting IEEE and the UFFC Society.

UFFC-S has established the “IEEE UFFC Star Ambassador Lectureship Award”, similar to our Distinguished Lecturer award, but this distinction is intended to be for more local travel and for early career speakers. Specifically, we imagine young professionals (within 15 years of their degree) delivering technical talks in their geographic region, highlighting their research while promoting IEEE and the UFFC Society.  We hope these awards will become an opportunity to expand our Young Professional members’ contact with colleagues and students at academic institutions, national laboratories and local industry, promoting new collaborations.  Talks at IEEE Section and UFFC-S Chapter meetings would also be supported.

Travel support is provided for up to $2500 (for multiple speaking opportunities). Awards will be made on nominations received through active calls made throughout the year.

The safety and well-being of our members are our priority. If meeting in person is not possible, virtual lectures are encouraged.